Sunday, March 30, 2014

Word wall

I just have a few things to share and I am really trying to keep this one short and sweet. I'm working my kindergarten job, a part time retail job and putting myself through some university courses so time is of the essence. Right now I feel like I'm even scheduling meal times into my day planner just to time manage to the fullest. Okay, enough about that....

I wanted to share this new word wall Mrs. K and I created. We got the idea from another teacher (the one we do reading buddies with in fact). And we even asked our high school volunteer student to create the chart for us.... So I guess we really didn't make it at all hahaha. Any way, the point here is that this is a great idea. It just has post it notes on each of the squares and this word wall can be inquiry specific - as in for us, we are doing birds and working on our chicken eggs right now so we are filling this word wall with all the new words we are learning to go with our hatching program (incubator, hatching, brooding, comb, egg tooth, etc.). But this could also be used for just generic words the children are struggling with. Or it could be used for new words that get brought up throughout the course of the year. 

The children really took a liking to this chart and used it for their egg observation book. It gave them a bit more independence with their writing since they could easily walk over to the chart, find the letter of the word they were trying to spell and then using their sounding out skills to figure out which word they needed to use. It got a lot of use on its first day in our class!

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